Children’s Fund Grant Opportunities
Children’s Fund Grant Opportunities

One of the main purposes of the Children's Fund of School Psychology, Inc. (CFSP) is to provide grants in support of projects that benefit children and families. Grants are only available to current, retired, and/or trained school psychologists, and limited to one per year. Graduate students who are in their practicum or internship in school psychology also qualify. You must be a member of the CFSP to qualify for a grant. The exception is Disaster Relief Mental Health grants which does not require membership. To become a member, sign up here and make payment of $20 or send a check made out to the Children’s Fund (or CFSP) and send to P.O. Box 892, Fayetteville, GA 30214. We will gladly accept your membership fee as well as your added donation to help fund grants.
The Board of Directors look for projects that:
-Promote the physical and emotional well-being of all children and youth;
-Embrace individual and group differences in children and youth including gender, ethnicity, cultural background, language, and experiential backgrounds;
-Promote learning environments which facilitate optimal development; and
-Support effective interventions that address both learning and social/emotional functioning to enhance a child’s success.
Disaster Relief Mental Health
Disaster Relief Mental Health
Disaster Relief Mental Health Grants are intended to assist practicing school psychologists and interns in school psychology in restoring mental health resources and tools that have been damaged or destroyed due to disasters in states and U.S. territories. Examples of items that are acceptable for funding include therapeutic videos and games, relaxation tapes, counseling resources, books for bibliotherapy, and social skills resources. The intent is for funded items to remain with the school psychologists rather than belonging to the school district. Examples that are not suitable for funding parent/student transportation, items that should be provided by the school district indicated in an IEP or 504 plan, general office start-ups, dissertation materials, or research materials. Funding is available as donations allow for one such grant per school psychologist and for varying amounts up to $500.00 based on the applicant's need and request. Basic needs of a child/children may also be considered in situations where the need has not been or cannot be supported by other agencies such as the Red Cross. Please support the Disaster Relief Mental Health Grants by donating.
Children’s Basic Needs/Mental Health Practitioner
Children’s Basic Needs/Mental Health Practitioner
Basic Needs Grants are designed to meet the specific needs of children and youth that are not currently being met. Funding is available for one such grant per year per approved applicant and is currently at a maximum rate of $300. Examples of items meeting grant criteria include clothing, food, eyeglasses, school supplies, dental work, etc.
Mental Health Grants are intended to encourage practicing school psychologists (and interns in school psychology) to enhance their own capabilities to provide mental health services within their schools. Examples of items that are acceptable for funding include therapeutic videos and games, relaxation tapes, counseling resources, sensory items, books for bibliotherapy, and social skills resources. The intent is for funded items to remain with the school psychologists rather than belonging to the school district. Examples that are not suitable for funding include parent/student transportation, items that should be provided by the school district indicated in an IEP or 504 plan, general office start-ups, iPads, iPods, dissertation materials, or research materials. Funding is available for one such grant per year per approved applicant and is currently at a maximum rate of $200.
Please contact grants.cfsp@gmail.com with any questions.
Service Grants
Service Grants
Service Grants in amounts of $500 to $1500 are available and must provide direct benefit to children. Applicants must be school psychologists or school psychology graduate students who are completing internships. All applicants must be current members of The Children's Fund. Examples of Service Grants that have been approved in the last several years include a district-wide community reading day, a project focusing on prevention of bullying, and a project that provided a gifted and talented lending library and resource bank for families of gifted children in an economically underprivileged neighborhood.
Please contact Lynne Thies with any questions regarding the Service Grants.